有您的支持,我们的分析师会做的更好 !
在众多社会服务中,夜间用药成为人们最关注的夜间社会服务之一,近年来,各地相关行政管理机构也陆续出台相关扶持政策,鼓励商家上线夜间送药平台、发展24小时药店,提供夜间送药服务,推动解决“夜间买药难”问题。近日,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布《2021年中国夜间用药年度观察报告》,基于2021年初至2021年末的监测数据,对中国夜间用药市场持续追踪。报告显示,年初有61.2%的用户夜间生病选择忍,而年底这一数字降至52.1%,据推算年末夜间用药受益群体新增约4000万人。报告指出,日渐成熟的中国外卖送药平台,成为解决夜间用药的重要参与者。通过一年的发展,在美团买药“小黄灯”计划等24小时药店惠民工程的推动下,线上24小时药店数量增加、夜间买药配送速度更快、服务保障更加成熟,用户知晓度有了较大提升,夜间买药难的问题得到有效缓解。
Among many social services,night medication has become one of the night social services that people pay most attention to. In recent years,relevant administrative agencies around the country have also successively issued relevant support policies to encourage businesses to launch night medication delivery platforms,develop 24-hour pharmacies,provide night medication delivery services, and promote the solution of the problem of "difficulty in buying drugs at night". Recently, iiMedia Research released the annual observation report on nighttime medication in China in 2021,which continuously tracks China's nighttime medication market based on the monitoring data from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2021. The report shows that at the beginning of the year, 61.2% of users chose to tolerate illness at night,while at the end of the year,the figure fell to 52.1%. It is estimated that about 40 million people will benefit from night medication at the end of the year.The report points out that the increasingly mature Chinese takeout delivery platform has become an important participant in solving the problem of night medication. Through one year's development,driven by the 24-hour pharmacy benefit project such as the "small yellow light" plan of meituan drug purchase, the number of online 24-hour pharmacies has increased,the speed of drug purchase and distribution at night is faster,the service guarantee is more mature,the user awareness has been greatly improved,and the problem of difficult drug purchase at night has been effectively alleviated.
有您的支持,我们的分析师会做的更好 !
1. 超9成人群有夜间用药需求,夜间买药成“社会性刚需”
2. 政府出台系列措施,推动线上药店发展解决夜间用药难题
3. 线上药店发展迅猛,夜间用药市场规模持续扩大
4. 24小时药店送药上门服务在全球悄然兴起
5. 平台入局整合夜间送药服务生态,完善服务链
1. 买药难问题得到缓解,夜间生病不再靠“忍”
2. 得益于24 小时药店增长,更广泛用户群体和中小城市用户享受更多便利性
3. 线上买药逐渐普及,“为他人买药”成趋势
4. 用户在夜间21-23点的用药需求最旺盛
5. 从“突发急症”到“综合需求”,夜间用药场景扩宽
6. 夜间抗感退烧等急症用药的需求基本面不变
7. “感冒发烧”及“肠胃消化”是夜间用药主要需求品类
8. 夜间送药服务较大程度缓解了夜间用药的问题
1. 夜间送药服务知晓度达55%,三四线城市知晓度增速较高
2. 夜间送药服务渗透率升至8.4%,一二线渗透率增速更高
3. 民生服务计划帮助下,用户夜间送药服务体验感切实提升
4. 主要顾虑:24小时药店配送服务依旧迫切
5. 主要诉求:用户普遍希望用药不用跑
6. 24小时药店数量激增:一线及新一线城市覆盖度较高
7. 夜间送药服务高速扩容:夜间用药便捷度高,当地居民幸福感强
8. 药店商家调研:美团买药“小黄灯”计划认知度最高
9. 24小时经营明显改善,但药店仍然是整个链条的关键因素
1. 中国夜间用药年度观察小结(一)
2. 中国夜间用药年度观察小结(二)
图表1. 2021年中国夜间用药需求人群比例
图表2. 2021年中国受访者对夜间有待优化的社会服务需求调查
图表3. 截至2021年中国夜间用药相关解决方案
图表4. 2016-2021年中国医药电商交易规模
图表5. 2021年中国夜间线上用药市场规模
图表6. 2021年国外24小时药店送药上门代表性案例
图表7. 2021年中国夜间用药用户态度调研
图表8. 2021年中国夜间买药服务使用人次对比
图表9. 2021年中国夜间买药用户画像
图表10. 2021年中国夜间买药用户为他人买药对象年初与年末对比调查
图表11. 2021年中国夜间用药时间段分布年末与年初对比调查
图表12. 2021年中国夜间用药场景年末与年初对比调查
图表13. 2021年中国夜间用药需求用途及原因调查
图表14. 2021年中国夜间用药需求品类年末与年初对比调查
图表15. 2021年中国夜间用药时优先处理方式年末与年初对比调查
图表16. 2021年中国夜间送药服务用户知晓度变化
图表17. 2021年中国夜间送药服务不同线级城市用户知晓度增速
图表18. 2021年中国不同线级城市夜间送药服务使用渗透率对比
图表19. 2021年中国受访者对夜间送药服务的体验调查
图表20. 2021年中国受访者对夜间送药服务的主要顾虑
图表21. 2021年中国受访者对夜间送药服务主要诉求
图表22. 2021年中国24小时药店数量及主要城市数量分布
图表23. 2021年中国24小时药店便捷度城市排名
图表24. 2021年中国药店商家的主要访谈要点
图表25. 2021年中国受访药店商家对夜间送药服务平台的认知度
Figure 1 Proportion of people in need of nighttime medication in China in 2021
Figure 2 Survey on the needs of Chinese respondents for social services to be optimized at night in 2021
Figure 3 Solutions related to nighttime medication in China by 2021
Figure 4 Transaction scale of China's pharmaceutical e-commerce from 2016 to 2021
Figure 5 Market scale of night online medication in China in 2021
Figure 6 Representative cases of 24-hour drugstore door-to-door delivery abroad in 2021
Figure 7 Survey on the attitudes of users of night medication in China in 2021
Figure 8 Comparison of users of nighttime drug purchase services in China in 2021
Figure 9 Portrait of Chinese drug users at night in 2021
Figure 10 A comparative survey between the beginning of the year and the end of the year of 2021 on the objects of night drug users buying drugs for others in China
Figure 11 Comparative investigation on the distribution of nocturnal medication time periods in China in 2021 at the end of the year and the beginning of the year
Figure 12 Comparative investigation of nighttime drug use scenarios in China at the end of the year and the beginning of the year in 2021
Figure 13 Investigation on demand, use and causes of nighttime drugs in China in 2021
Figure 14 Comparative survey of nighttime drug demand categories in China at the end of the year and the beginning of the year in 2021
Figure 15 Comparative investigation on priority treatment methods of nocturnal medication in China at the end of the year and the beginning of the year in 2021
Figure 16 Changes in awareness of users of night drug delivery services in China in 2021
Figure 17 Growth of user awareness in different line level cities of night drug delivery service in China in 2021
Figure 18 Comparison of nighttime drug delivery service penetration in different line level cities in China in 2021
Figure 19 Survey on Chinese respondents' experience of night drug delivery service in 2021
Figure 20 Main concerns of Chinese respondents about night drug delivery service in 2021
Figure 21 Main demands of Chinese respondents on night drug delivery service in 2021
Figure 22 Number of 24-hour pharmacies in China and number distribution in major cities in 2021
Figure 23 City ranking of convenience of 24-hour pharmacies in China in 2021
Figure 24 Main interview points of Chinese drugstore merchants in 2021
Figure 25 Awareness of drugstore merchants interviewed in China on the night delivery service platform in 2021
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艾媒是中国科协九大代表优秀重点研究项目承担单位、广东省大数据骨干培育企业、广州市创新标杆企业、广州市首批人工智能入库企业、广州市“两高四新”企业。基于公司独立自主研发的“中国移动互联网大数据挖掘与分析系统(CMDAS)” (广东省科技计划重大专项,项目编号:2016B010110001) ,艾媒建立了面向全球的宏观数据、商业趋势、市场进入、竞争情报、商情舆情、消费行为、销售数据及营销效果等多维度的线上、线下大数据监测与分析体系,累计成功为超过3800家政企机构提供常年大数据咨询服务。艾媒也是广州市建设国家级科技思想库研究课题、广州市先进制造业创新发展项目等重大课题的承担单位。

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