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The Battle of the Somme was one of the largest military engagements of the First World War, and among the largest in history. Between July 1 and November 18, 1916, more than three million men took part in this battle, over one million casualties were recorded, around a third of which were fatalities. The first day of the battle alone saw approximately 70,000 casualties; 80 percent of which were British. In terms of its legacy, this battle came to epitomize the static, trench warfare most associated with the Western Front, and has become one of the most prominent symbols for remembrance in Britain and some of its former colonies . Given this status, and the fact that the British generally kept the most reliable records during the war (particularly from 1916 onward), the majority of statistical data relates to British actions in the battle, while estimates become more important in studying French and German involvement. Background and the initial attack The Somme Offensive was the planned Franco-British attack that would coincide with simultaneous offensives along the Balkan, Eastern, and Italian fronts, designed to stretch the Central Powers' forces across all European theaters of the war. The German offensive against the French at Verdun, however, had resulted in a stalemate and saw much of the French support redirected from the Somme; therefore, the British part in the offensive switched from a supporting to a leading role. Allied artillery lay down a week-long, constant bombardment upon the German front lines, in an attempt to clear a path through the barbed wire in no-man’s-land, disrupt supply lines, and destroy the enemy trenches. Despite dropping around 1.7 million shells on the enemy, much of the barbed wire remained intact, and the British had underestimated the depth and stability of the German trenches, which were 15 meters (50 feet) deep in some areas. Additionally, it is estimated that 30 percent of these shells failed to detonate. Approximately 120,000 men went over the top at 07:30hrs on July 1, 1916, in what became the costliest day in British military history. The advance was more perilous than anticipated, and the fortified German machine gun positions cut down thousands of British troops. British and French offenses in the south did make some progress in the opening stages of the battle, however the bulk of the force was held back by the Germans. This set the trend for the next five months, with heavy and slow attacks resulting in limited territorial gains. Technological advancements and new developments The Somme Offensive marked a major milestone in the history of warfare, as it saw the first ever deployment of tanks in the Battle of Flers-Courcelette, on September 15. Almost 50 Mark I tanks were sent to the Somme, although not all made it into the field. When deployed, the tanks achieved mixed results; a small number were able to push through no-man's-land and make some territorial gains, yet many became immobilized due to the rough, muddy terrain. To many military leaders at the time, the tanks were deployed prematurely and too sparsely to have a meaningful impact, and the element of surprise had been negated by their ineffectiveness; it would take another year before tanks would see significant success in the war. In contrast, aircraft played an invaluable role in the Battle of the Somme. Not only did fighters launch attacks and air raids on the enemy lines, but the reconnaissance obtained from the air gathered information on enemy movements, and radio messages helped to orchestrate artillery attacks in live time. The importance of this reconnaissance also led to air battles between fighters of the Imperial German Flying Corps and the Royal Flying Corps , the latter of which maintained aerial superiority throughout the war. The attritional bombardment seen on the Western Front, combined with the static nature of trench warfare, led to a "new" phenomenon coined as "shell shock" in 1915. While this is now clearly defined as a psychological issue and a form of PTSD, doctors in 1914 failed to diagnose or understand the problem correctly, often believing it to be a physiological result of artillery blasts on nervous system. By the time of the Somme Offensive, however, military officials were forced to take the problem more seriously, and a series of mental hospitals were established to help the affected recover, and return them to the front lines. Some estimates suggest that as many as two-fifths of all British casualties at the Somme were shell shock related. The battle draws to an end Five months of exhausting, attritional warfare and worsening winter weather eventually forced the Germans into retreat. From September onward, the Allies were able to capitalize on smaller gains to eventually push through the German lines to take strategic positions. Over these five months, a total of six miles (10 kilometers) was won along a 20 mile (32km) front. Although the offensive resulted in a tactical victory for the British and French forces, it was seen as a failure on the part of British military leaders, particularly Field Marshal Douglas Haig and General Henry Rawlinson, due to the heavy human toll. The Somme region would see further conflict in the latter stages of the war, during the German Spring offensive and Allied Hundred Days Offensive in 1918, including what is known as the Second Battle of the Somme. Today, there 243 British cemeteries in the Somme department of France , containing the remains of more than 153,000 soldiers; the identities of more than one-third of these men remains unknown. This text provides general information.
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本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
{isPay=0, isHaveRight=1, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307729, is_end=1, name=Second World War: fatalities per country 1939-1945, id=47565420, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Second World War: fatalities per country 1939-1945
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307730, is_end=1, name=Number of military and civilian deaths per country in the First World War 1914-1918, id=47565421, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of military and civilian deaths per country in the First World War 1914-1918
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307731, is_end=1, name=Estimates of Danish fatalities during the Second World War 1940-1950, id=47565422, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Estimates of Danish fatalities during the Second World War 1940-1950
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307732, is_end=1, name=Number of victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution 1933-1945, by background, id=47565423, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution 1933-1945, by background
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307733, is_end=1, name=Opinion on the threat of war in Ukraine to the security of Poland and the world 2022, id=47565424, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion on the threat of war in Ukraine to the security of Poland and the world 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307734, is_end=1, name=按2000-2021朝鲜战争划分的团聚家庭成员数量, id=47565425, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307735, is_end=1, name=卡塔尔世界杯国家队的市场价值, id=47565426, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307736, is_end=1, name=Estimates of Norwegian manpower and fatalities during WW2 1939-1950, id=47565427, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Estimates of Norwegian manpower and fatalities during WW2 1939-1950
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307737, is_end=1, name=Number of visitors to the World War II Memorial in the U.S. 2008-2021, id=47565428, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of visitors to the World War II Memorial in the U.S. 2008-2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307738, is_end=1, name=Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on inflation in North Africa 2022, by country, id=47565429, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on inflation in North Africa 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307739, is_end=1, name=Hungarians' approval of the EU's response to the war in Ukraine 2022, by measure, id=47565430, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Hungarians' approval of the EU's response to the war in Ukraine 2022, by measure
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307740, is_end=1, name=Finns' approval of the EU's response to the war in Ukraine 2022, by measure, id=47565431, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Finns' approval of the EU's response to the war in Ukraine 2022, by measure
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307741, is_end=1, name=Opinion of Poles on responsibility for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565432, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion of Poles on responsibility for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307742, is_end=1, name=Opinion of Romanians on responsibility for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565433, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion of Romanians on responsibility for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307743, is_end=1, name=领先的集装箱船运营商——2022年世界班轮船队份额, id=47565434, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307744, is_end=1, name=Share of Finns personally worried about the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565435, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Share of Finns personally worried about the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307745, is_end=1, name=Share of Hungarians personally worried about the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565436, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Share of Hungarians personally worried about the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307746, is_end=1, name=Opinion of Poles on severing ties with Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565437, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion of Poles on severing ties with Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307747, is_end=1, name=Romania: opinion on cutting ties with Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565438, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Romania: opinion on cutting ties with Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307748, is_end=1, name=Assessment of top femtech apps for data sharing policies worldwide in 2021, id=47565439, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Assessment of top femtech apps for data sharing policies worldwide in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307749, is_end=1, name=截至2021,美国迄今为止最大的医疗数据泄露事件, id=47565440, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307750, is_end=1, name=Number of independent countries in Europe each year 1900-2022, id=47565441, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of independent countries in Europe each year 1900-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307751, is_end=1, name=大屠杀期间奥斯威辛登记在册的囚犯人数, id=47565442, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307752, is_end=1, name=Finns' fear of consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565443, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Finns' fear of consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307753, is_end=1, name=Hungarians' fear of the consequences of the the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565444, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Hungarians' fear of the consequences of the the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307754, is_end=1, name=World: revenues of the leading retailers 2020, id=47565445, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
World: revenues of the leading retailers 2020
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307755, is_end=1, name=Global leaders that spoke to Putin and Zelensky during the war in Ukraine 2022, id=47565446, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Global leaders that spoke to Putin and Zelensky during the war in Ukraine 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307756, is_end=1, name=Number of data violation incidents in the U.S. 2015-H1 2022, id=47565447, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of data violation incidents in the U.S. 2015-H1 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307757, is_end=1, name=Opinion of sharing health data for various purposes in the U.S. in 2021, id=47565448, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion of sharing health data for various purposes in the U.S. in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307758, is_end=1, name=大屠杀期间囚犯人数和死亡人数, id=47565449, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307759, is_end=1, name=Biggest healthcare data breaches in the U.S. in 2021, id=47565450, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Biggest healthcare data breaches in the U.S. in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307760, is_end=1, name=Type of sensitive data stored by companies in the cloud worldwide 2019-2022, id=47565451, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Type of sensitive data stored by companies in the cloud worldwide 2019-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307761, is_end=1, name=Hungarians on the importance of not participating in the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565452, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Hungarians on the importance of not participating in the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307762, is_end=1, name=Share of Hungarians boycotting Russian products because of the war 2022, id=47565453, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Share of Hungarians boycotting Russian products because of the war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307763, is_end=1, name=Impact of the war in Ukraine on poverty in the EU 2022, by country, id=47565454, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the war in Ukraine on poverty in the EU 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307764, is_end=1, name=Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on public debt in North Africa 2022, by country, id=47565455, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on public debt in North Africa 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307765, is_end=1, name=Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on GDP growth in North Africa 2022, by country, id=47565456, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on GDP growth in North Africa 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307766, is_end=1, name=Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on fiscal balance in North Africa 2022, by country, id=47565457, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on fiscal balance in North Africa 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307767, is_end=1, name=Hungarians' expectation about the duration of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565458, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Hungarians' expectation about the duration of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307768, is_end=1, name=World ranking of the Icelandic male national football team 1993-2021, id=47565459, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
World ranking of the Icelandic male national football team 1993-2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307769, is_end=1, name=Most valuable clothing companies in the world, by brand value 2021-2022, id=47565460, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Most valuable clothing companies in the world, by brand value 2021-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307770, is_end=1, name=Top earners in World of Warcraft in the Netherlands 2007-2022, id=47565461, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Top earners in World of Warcraft in the Netherlands 2007-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307771, is_end=1, name=美国人对2022年美国成为世界第一军事大国的看法, id=47565462, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307772, is_end=1, name=United States: number of stores of the leading retailers 2021, id=47565463, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
United States: number of stores of the leading retailers 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307773, is_end=1, name=Assessment of top femtech apps for data gathering policies worldwide in 2021, id=47565464, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Assessment of top femtech apps for data gathering policies worldwide in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307774, is_end=1, name=按背景分列的1941-1945年奥斯威辛被驱逐者人数和死亡人数, id=47565465, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307775, is_end=1, name=Russia-Ukraine war impact on the situation of Ukrainian workers in Poland 2022, id=47565466, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Russia-Ukraine war impact on the situation of Ukrainian workers in Poland 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307776, is_end=1, name=Hungarians' expectations about the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565467, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Hungarians' expectations about the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307777, is_end=1, name=Location of breached healthcare data in the U.S. December 2021, id=47565468, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Location of breached healthcare data in the U.S. December 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307778, is_end=1, name=Clinicians' who agree the volume of patient data is overwhelming in 2021, by country, id=47565469, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Clinicians' who agree the volume of patient data is overwhelming in 2021, by country