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The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), also known as the Soviet Union, was officially established in 1922 in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War. During its foundation, the world’s first socialist government was created in Russia in 1917, and was later expanded into the present-day Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Caucus States, and the Central Asian States. Despite this diversity of cultures across the largest country the world had ever seen, Russia was the largest of the republics and ethnic Russians made up the majority of the population. Executive power was also centered in Russia, under the control of the Communist Party. For the general population, the first few decades of Soviet demographic development were characterized by conflict, famine, recovery, and industrialization. The World Wars, Revolution, and the famines of the 1920s and 1930s devastated the Soviet population, and there is still no scholarly consensus on total death tolls or their effect on the population, although combined estimates are in the tens of millions. The disruption and overlap of destructive events, poor data collection methods of the time, and the system of confidentiality maintained by Stalin’s government make estimates such as these difficult. Even for later years, statistical data for the Soviet Union is often lacking as much of the “declassified” information released since dissolution has painted an incomplete or inaccurate picture of Soviet life. Working life in the Soviet Union The major economic difference between the Soviet Union and western countries was the implementation of the command economy. Under government leadership, industrialization was prioritized , and much of the population moved to urban centers to meet the labor demands of manufacturing industries; this led to significant economic growth in the 1930s, as many other countries dealt with the fallout from the Great Depression. Agriculture also became collectivized under government control, however the reallocation of labor outpaced technological advancement, and mismanagement saw food shortages repeatedly hinder Soviet development, even leading to famine. One aim of communism was to achieve full employment , and official policy was designed with this in mind. As the Russian Revolution was instigated by labor unions (the term ‘ Soviet ’ is derived from these workers’ councils), the USSR had a strong commitment to workers’ rights. Jobs were allocated by the state, and citizens could apply for certain positions, but had little choice of where they would eventually be allocated as economic demand was the driving force behind this. In comparison to U.S. averages, work weeks were much shorter and retirement ages were much lower in the Soviet Union. The command economy, when compared with western capitalism, meant that personal finances and material goods had a much lower influence on daily life, and issues such as income inequality or personal debt were less prevalent (the standardization of items such as furniture or cars helped in this regard). For reasons such as this, many people in former-Soviet states, particularly the older generations, regret dissolution. Additionally, accommodation was provided by the state, as were cars, appliances , and even holidays. Similarly to jobs, citizens had little control over what was given to them, and corruption and nepotism were rife. The quality of housing , vehicles, and appliances were also much lower than those manufactured in the west (western imports were generally banned or very difficult to come by) and waiting lists for items such as cars could take up to ten years to process. Along with workers rights, the Soviet government also promoted healthy lifestyles and a great value was placed on physical activity and recreational time. As it was rare for citizens to travel abroad , holidays within the Soviet Union became commonplace, particularly around the Black Sea in areas such as Sochi or the Crimean Peninsula, and by dissolution it was estimated that roughly a quarter of Soviet families owned a holiday home (known as a ' dacha '). Influence of gender For men, the disproportionate impact of conflict on male populations saw a large difference in gender ratios develop in the first half of the century. Following the Second World War, the gender ratio for the general population was roughly five women per four men, and for the generation in their thirties it was closer to three women per two men. These gaps narrowed in later decades, but remained unnaturally wide as unhealthy lifestyles among men, especially widespread alcohol and substance abuse, lowered male life expectancy to just 62.5 years in 1980 . Rates of alcoholism have decreased in recent decades, yet former-Soviet states still rank among the highest in the world in terms of alcohol consumption . Gender equality was at the foundation of Soviet ideology, although the official stance was often at odds with reality. In early years, Soviet employment policy radically changed the social structure of the USSR, and Soviet women became the most economically active in the world for most of the 1900s . At home, however, Soviet women were still expected to perform traditional domestic and maternal duties alongside their vocational responsibilities. Early divorce laws were among the most progressive in the world, granting women the opportunity to end marriage, but they also allowed men to leave their families with no alimony commitments. Divorce laws became more stringent after the Second World War, however, and were designed to maintain traditional family structures. Apart from a brief period under Stalin, Soviet abortion rates were also the highest in the world throughout the 1900s; the government promoted abortion over the use of contraception, as they believed the side effects of abortion to be less-dangerous to long-term health and fertility than hormonal regulation from the pill. Even when the later governments reversed this stance, the poor quality and supply of contraceptives in post-Soviet states reinforced these former perceptions, and in 2018, of the five countries with the highest abortion rates in Europe , three were former-Soviet states. This text provides general information.
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本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
本数据主题包包括 中国化妆品行业 主题下的 33条 数据包含总体概述、化妆品核心数据、典型企业等数据。
{isPay=0, isHaveRight=1, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307779, is_end=1, name=Second World War: fatalities per country 1939-1945, id=47565484, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Second World War: fatalities per country 1939-1945
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307780, is_end=1, name=Number of military and civilian deaths per country in the First World War 1914-1918, id=47565485, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of military and civilian deaths per country in the First World War 1914-1918
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307781, is_end=1, name=Nuclear warhead inventory per country 1945-2022, id=47565486, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Nuclear warhead inventory per country 1945-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307782, is_end=1, name=Value of U.S. agricultural exports to the former Soviet Union 1990-2021, id=47565487, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Value of U.S. agricultural exports to the former Soviet Union 1990-2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307783, is_end=1, name=2021法国人对欧盟外个人数据存储的看法, id=47565488, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307784, is_end=1, name=Impact of the war in Ukraine on poverty in the EU 2022, by country, id=47565489, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Impact of the war in Ukraine on poverty in the EU 2022, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307785, is_end=1, name=Doomsday Clock: minutes to midnight each year 1947-2022, id=47565490, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Doomsday Clock: minutes to midnight each year 1947-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307786, is_end=1, name=Number of victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution 1933-1945, by background, id=47565491, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution 1933-1945, by background
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307787, is_end=1, name=Estimates of Danish fatalities during the Second World War 1940-1950, id=47565492, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Estimates of Danish fatalities during the Second World War 1940-1950
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307788, is_end=1, name=Populations of the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War 1970-1990, id=47565493, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Populations of the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War 1970-1990
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307789, is_end=1, name=Number of data breaches in former Soviet countries 2022, id=47565494, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of data breaches in former Soviet countries 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307790, is_end=1, name=Assessment of top femtech apps for data sharing policies worldwide in 2021, id=47565495, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Assessment of top femtech apps for data sharing policies worldwide in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307791, is_end=1, name=Abortion rate in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1989, id=47565496, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Abortion rate in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1989
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307792, is_end=1, name=Czechs' concerns about the negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022, id=47565497, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Czechs' concerns about the negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307793, is_end=1, name=Civilian deaths in Iraq war 2003-2022, id=47565498, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Civilian deaths in Iraq war 2003-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307794, is_end=1, name=Czechs' opinions towards EU and NATO in Russia's war on Ukraine in 2022, id=47565499, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Czechs' opinions towards EU and NATO in Russia's war on Ukraine in 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307795, is_end=1, name=Average price for mobile data in select African countries 2022, id=47565500, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Average price for mobile data in select African countries 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307796, is_end=1, name=Average total cost per data breach worldwide 2022, by country or region, id=47565501, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Average total cost per data breach worldwide 2022, by country or region
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307797, is_end=1, name=Opinion on the government's response to Russia-Ukraine war in India 2022, id=47565502, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Opinion on the government's response to Russia-Ukraine war in India 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307798, is_end=1, name=Average price for mobile data in Africa 2022, id=47565503, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Average price for mobile data in Africa 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307799, is_end=1, name=Nuclear warhead stockpile of the UK 1953-2022, id=47565504, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Nuclear warhead stockpile of the UK 1953-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307800, is_end=1, name=Number of independent countries in Europe each year 1900-2022, id=47565505, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of independent countries in Europe each year 1900-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307801, is_end=1, name=Mobile monthly data usage per smartphone worldwide 2019-2027, by region, id=47565506, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Mobile monthly data usage per smartphone worldwide 2019-2027, by region
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307802, is_end=1, name=Biggest healthcare data breaches in the U.S. in 2021, id=47565507, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Biggest healthcare data breaches in the U.S. in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307803, is_end=1, name=Estimates of Norwegian manpower and fatalities during WW2 1939-1950, id=47565508, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Estimates of Norwegian manpower and fatalities during WW2 1939-1950
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307804, is_end=1, name=苏联特定时期的经济增长, id=47565509, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307805, is_end=1, name=各种历史和世界日历中的当前年份2022, id=47565510, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307806, is_end=1, name=Share of adults who think Russian invasion of Ukraine will lead to U.S. war 2022, id=47565511, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Share of adults who think Russian invasion of Ukraine will lead to U.S. war 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307807, is_end=1, name=Assessment of top femtech apps for data gathering policies worldwide in 2021, id=47565512, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Assessment of top femtech apps for data gathering policies worldwide in 2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307808, is_end=1, name=Attitude towards U.S. federal data privacy bill ADPPA measures 2022, id=47565513, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Attitude towards U.S. federal data privacy bill ADPPA measures 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307809, is_end=1, name=User data collection in select mobile iOS period tracker apps 2022, by type, id=47565514, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
User data collection in select mobile iOS period tracker apps 2022, by type
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307810, is_end=1, name=Reasons to collect mobile app data from global iOS users 2022, id=47565515, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Reasons to collect mobile app data from global iOS users 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307811, is_end=1, name=Period tracking apps collecting the most user data on iOS 2022, by type, id=47565516, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Period tracking apps collecting the most user data on iOS 2022, by type
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307812, is_end=1, name=Measures that would support utilizing data in healthcare worldwide in 2022, id=47565517, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Measures that would support utilizing data in healthcare worldwide in 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307813, is_end=1, name=Confidence healthcare leaders have in data utilization worldwide in 2022, id=47565518, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Confidence healthcare leaders have in data utilization worldwide in 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307814, is_end=1, name=俄乌战争中的全球立场(按领土划分), id=47565519, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307815, is_end=1, name=欧盟各国通货膨胀率, id=47565520, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307816, is_end=1, name=Death rate in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1989, id=47565521, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Death rate in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1989
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307817, is_end=1, name=Life expectancy at birth in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1988, id=47565522, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Life expectancy at birth in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1988
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307818, is_end=1, name=按2000-2021朝鲜战争划分的团聚家庭成员数量, id=47565523, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307819, is_end=1, name=Population size and growth rates in Western Europe 0-1998, id=47565524, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Population size and growth rates in Western Europe 0-1998
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307820, is_end=1, name=Trade union density in the UK 1995-2021, id=47565525, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Trade union density in the UK 1995-2021
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307821, is_end=1, name=Average mobile data usage per month in Singapore 2013-2022, id=47565526, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Average mobile data usage per month in Singapore 2013-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307822, is_end=1, name=Average total cost per data breach worldwide 2014-2022, id=47565527, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Average total cost per data breach worldwide 2014-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307823, is_end=1, name=Facebook: user data requests from federal agencies & governments H2 2021, by country, id=47565528, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Facebook: user data requests from federal agencies & governments H2 2021, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307824, is_end=1, name=Price for 1GB mobile data in Tanzania 2022, id=47565529, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Price for 1GB mobile data in Tanzania 2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307825, is_end=1, name=Google user data requests from federal agencies and governments H1 2021, by country, id=47565530, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Google user data requests from federal agencies and governments H1 2021, by country
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307826, is_end=1, name=Number of trade union members in the UK 1892-2020, id=47565531, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Number of trade union members in the UK 1892-2020
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307827, is_end=1, name=Global number of quarterly data breaches 2021-2022, id=47565532, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Global number of quarterly data breaches 2021-2022
{isPay=1, isHaveRight=0, isStop=0, nodeStat=0, objId=113307828, is_end=1, name=Price for 1GB mobile data in The Gambia 2022, id=47565533, isNew=0, type=0, name_id=null}
Price for 1GB mobile data in The Gambia 2022